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Welcome to PhageLytix

PhageLytix proudly leads as the first indigenous company using its own tailored phages isolated, purified and pre-clinically tested in India to combat various bacterial infections. Notably, we’ve sourced all our phages from diverse water sources in North India. At PhageLytix, innovation is our cornerstone, evident in different phage-based products, including phage sprays and phage cocktails. Our commitment extends beyond products; we offer bespoke services like phage hunting and genome analysis to address unique client needs. With an unwavering dedication to scientific progress and healthcare improvement, PhageLytix aims to redefine infectious disease treatment in India and beyond. Join us in unleashing nature’s warriors to fight pathogens and transform lives.

  • Phage therapy, a promising alternative to antibiotics, utilizes bacteriophages—viruses that infect and kill bacteria—to treat bacterial infections. Unlike antibiotics, phages are highly specific to their target bacteria, minimizing harm to beneficial microbes and reducing the risk of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR poses a significant global health threat, with bacteria evolving resistance to conventional antibiotics at an alarming rate. Phage therapy offers a targeted approach, combating multidrug-resistant bacteria with precision. Research into phage therapy continues to expand, with ongoing clinical trials exploring its efficacy and safety. While challenges such as phage selection, regulatory hurdles, and manufacturing complexities exist, the potential benefits of phage therapy in combating AMR are substantial. Embracing phage therapy alongside conventional antibiotics could revolutionize infectious disease treatment and mitigate the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.
  • Antimicrobial resistance places a significant economic burden on healthcare systems, societies, and economies worldwide. Estimates suggest that by 2050, AMR could cause up to 10 million deaths annually and result in cumulative global economic losses of $100 trillion

Since 1987, no new antibiotics have been discovered. But don’t worry, phage therapy has shown great effectiveness despite the spread of antibiotic resistance. Research has shown that phage therapy can effectively target and eliminate bacterial pathogens, offering a potential solution to the limitations of traditional antibioticshitects.

Phage-antibiotic synergy represents a promising approach to combating bacterial infections. By combining the precision of bacteriophages with the broad spectrum of antibiotics, this synergy offers a potent strategy to overcome antibiotic resistance and enhance treatment efficacy. This innovative synergy holds great potential to reshape the future of infectious disease treatment.

Biofilms play a crucial role in the establishment of various bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance, by providing a protective environment for bacteria to thrive and resist antibiotics. Phages, on the other hand, possess the remarkable ability to target and dismantle these resilient biofilms, offering a promising avenue for combating infections more effectively.

  • Phages are potent allies in reducing bacterial load. When introduced to a bacterial population, phages infect and replicate within susceptible bacteria, leading to their destruction. This process can significantly decrease the number of viable bacteria, often measured in colony-forming units (CFU), thus lowering the overall bacterial load.

PhageLytix is committed to revolutionizing bacterial infection treatment through our cutting-edge services. Our phage therapy offerings leverage the natural prowess of bacteriophages, and viruses adept at targeting and destroying bacteria, presenting a personalized approach to combatting infections. Through meticulous selection and engineering, we develop potent phage preparations and cocktails tailored to address a spectrum of ailments, from urinary tract infections to pneumonia. Additionally, our on-demand phage hunting services enable rapid isolation and testing of phages worldwide, providing swift access to potential therapeutic candidates. Our expertise extends to genome analysis, where we delve deep into phage biology to uncover genetic insights crucial for advancing research and development. Ensuring safety and efficacy is paramount, so we conduct rigorous endolysin testing using specialized assays. Furthermore, our state-of-the-art phage purification facilities adhere to strict quality standards, eliminating impurities such as endotoxins to meet clinical application requirements. Partner with PhageLytix to unlock the full potential of phage therapy and transform the landscape of bacterial infection treatment

PhageLytix, India, proudly leads as the first indigenous company harnessing tailored bacteriophage cocktails to combat various bacterial infections. test

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